Here at Triform, we’re very proud of our gardens and with
this summer’s rain and sun, things are really beginning to grow! For years, the farm’s gardens have provided opportunities
for Triform students to become engaged in practical garden activities, helping
to keep Triform fed with delicious and healthful home grown meals, while also participating in the broader ecological
community of the farm.

Gardening at Triform is a holistic project. Using organic,
Biodymanic methods, work is usually led by Etienne, our gardener. With the help
of coworkers and students, the gardens become a joyous place to learn and work
that allow community members to integrate personal growth with connections to
each other and to the land. As, always there’s wisdom to be had along with the
bounty our garden provides, as co-worker Evelin had to say about last week’s
“while it puts a damper on our
long list of to-dos, it's a reminder to slow down and appreciate the incredible
workings of nature which make gardening possible.”

This week, the garden crew was busy with the harvest. They
brought in a lot of veggies, including
Swiss chard, broccoli shoots, kohlrabi, turnips, beets, carrots, peas,
cucumbers, and zucchini. The last planting of cabbages, spring onions, and pole
beans were also harvested along with our garlic and the first round of tomatoes.
There were also so many tasty herbs to
be had, including chives, cilantro, basil, purple basil, dill, parsley,
rosemary, oregano, thyme, chamomile, and tulsi.
And of course, no garden is complete with a splash of beautiful flowers!
Many thanks to the garden crew members--currently including
Evelin, Ann Marie, Kali, Eddie, Ezra, Daniel, Pia, Lindsay, Nick, and Cecile;
they make it all possible.
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