Family and Friends gathering
October 24th 2015
Families visiting for Friends and family |
This year we invited friends and family to come a little later in the month for a fun, activity filled day. We hosted an intimate dinner and had productive conversation in the conference room on Friday night for the Journeymen families. During this, the Journeymen themselves went out for an enjoyable meal at a diner, which a generous person in the restaurant paid for!
Saturday morning was chilly but clear, and the community was soon a hum with apple cider pressing, baking of rolls, landscaping, cooking and of course the sounds of happy reunions and catching up. In the later part of the morning the Triform Parents Association hosted a speaker, Tom, who gave a stimulating presentation on estate planning. Soon lunch time brought the families to all the houses, including the brand new White Pine. Every chair and corner were filled with folks eating good food and getting to know this year’s new coworkers, students and their families.
After lunch, many people walked the lovely path through the woods, past the newly renovated Swantek house and admiring the magical falling leaves to emerge at the Stewardship property at the charcoal blue White Pine. We experienced a most beautiful opening ceremony with song and bells. Each house created banners of the Iroquois imagery of the White Pine. There was a large circle of all of us saying the word “ Peace” in as many languages as we collectively knew.
After a hot cider break and a walk through of the new house, it was time to head back to Falcon Hall to see the original play “A Beautiful Secret”, produced and acted by many Triform folk.
After that full afternoon our appetites were enticed by the good smells coming out of the bakery, and soon about 170 people sat down at festively decorated tables to enjoy lasagna, homemade rolls, Caesar salad, Greek mezze and apple spice cake with ice cream- yum! It was also a moment for Anne Bailey, vice chair of the Board to recognize Jim Connor, outgoing Board chair for his stellar leadership of the board and to welcome Dev Barker as the new Chair of the Board of Directors.
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